★ ★ ★ ★ ★


★ What is your rate ?

  • $114 per electrician hour.
  • $103 per lighting technician hour.
  • $131 per consulting hour (for urgent electrical design, planning, assessment, research, inspection and or diagnostic testing).
  • Other technician rates vary.

★ Rates with a minimum of two weeks advance scheduling:

  • $92 per electrician hour.
  • $78 per lighting technician hour.
  • $100 per consulting hour (electrical design, planning, assessment, research, inspection and or diagnostic testing).
  • Other technician rates vary.

Note: Advance appointments are subject to availability.

Frequently Asked Questions

★Do you have a minimum charge?

Yes we have a one hour minimum charge.

★ Do you take credit cards?

Yes! Via PayPal.

★ Would you give me a time and material option for work?

Yes! However we will not go over our estimated amount without discussing options with you.

★ What does a free estimate include?

A best guess or rough approximation of the costs of the work.

★ Design build includes:

  • Electrical design consulting.
  • Accurate take off or measurements.
  • Electrical Load calculations.
  • Evaluation or inspection of a building or home.
  • Lighting Design or calculations.
  • Electrical plans.
  • Panel schedules.

★ Can I send you a plan?

Yes! ( See our preferred file formats)

★ Free half hour estimates are offered to

  • All sites within the urban growth boundary of Eugene Springfield.
  • All current or past customers in Oregon.
  • Projects with plans not requireing a site visit.

★ To qualify for a free Estimate your project must be either

  • New construction or Addition
  • A Remodel
  • A Rewire
  • New circuits

★ Any Estimates requiring the use of tools or test equipment

  • Cost $100

★ All other estimates

  • Cost $100
  • Are refunded off your first project invoice.

★ What if you find horrible things someone wired in? Do I have to replace it?

Yes, if it is not up to the code in effect when the structure was built then it is a hazard.

★ What if I change my mind where some electrical thing goes?

You will be paying to have something installed twice.

★ Do you charge for travel?

Yes, one direction way.

★ Do you do volunteer work?

Yes! A few jobs per year based on application.

★Can I make payment arrangements?

Yes, based on application.

★ Can someone else do some of the work?

No. Oregon's Administrative Rules OAR 918-282-0120 & State laws ORS479.540 Show scope of work that requires a license.


A electrical permit is required for almost all electrical work in the the state of Oregon. As per Oregon law 918-309-0000 (5):
Permits are issued to only one person or firm.
Permits are not transferable.
Typically no other person or firms may make an electrical installation under our permit.
We handle the permit process from start to finish.
Electrical permits are required before we start work.

★Can we sign off on a Permit?

We cannot sign off on anothers work, we can consult homeowners on how to get permits for their own work. We can asess, test, inspect and make corrections to any electrical installation, consultation rates and permit fees apply.

★Who meets with the inspector?

You or us at our hourly rate. We will let you know what is best for the type of work involved.

★When will the inspector come?

Inspectors may come at any time during the day of the inspection. Inspectors are not required to make appointments.

★ Can I do some of the work to save money?

Here are our tips on saving money doing electrical work:
  • Provide parking as close as possible to the work area.
  • Vacate property during work.
  • Provide your own temporary extension cords and lights if needed, avoiding temporary wiring can save many hours.
  • Remove walls, flooring, ceilings prior to start of work in needed areas.
  • Provide a 24" or better crawlspace and attic where needed.
  • Provide sufficient (24X30in) access holes to crawlspaces.
  • Have someone on site to move furniture and unrelated material out of the way.
  • Preform all clean up work. We clean up unless requested not to.
  • Meet inspectors, since inspectors cant make appointments it saves us time.
  • Think of as many questions, changes, and factors as you can prior to or at the beginning of work.

★ What do you need to know from me on the estimate?

  • We might request an equipment list listing each electrical appliance you are installing and the Watts, Kw (Kilowatts), Hp (Horse Power), or VA (Volts X Amps) it demands.
  • Inventory of all the electrical equipment presently installed that you are keeping. Don't forget to include: heat pump or furnace, water heater or all the electric space heaters.
  • For equipment lists things like heaters, Saunas, hot-tubs, kilns, pumps, ovens, air conditioners, freezers, refrigerators are important items not to miss.
  • Square footage of the building and any other buildings served by the service.