Thinking of rewiring your home or building?
Before you call us think about
where you want appliances, lights
and outlets, when rewiring a home it is possible to locate them
almost anywhere you want.
Look in your basement,
crawlspace and attic. Is there lots of stuff in there? Could you fit
in those spaces? We need at least 18" of crawlspace under the
house. If your house does not have a crawlspace and/or attic, plan on having the walls cut open 2
feet up from the floor and the ceiling will be cut open across ceiling joists.
Call us for an estimate we will
check out your service
equipment and verify that your wiring is in need of replacing.
It is more economical to rewire
unoccupied buildings because cutting open walls
to fish wires causes dust and noise. Rewiring is
a big job and a big commitment to a home. Try scheduling us during a
vacation trip.
The process can be done in one
week for most
older homes.
We do rewire occupied homes however it is slower and
therefore increases the cost.